source("/Users/pm/s/first.s") dir <- "/Users/pm/book/ctrial/pm/3/" setwd(dir) ## scaled doses (=prior expected toxicities at doses 1..6) dose <- c(.05,.1,.2,.3,.5,.7) Fstar <- 0.2 # target tox ## assumed scenarios p1 <- c(.05, .1, .2, .3, .5, .7) # scenario 1 p2 <- c(.3, .4, .52, .61, .76, .87) # scneario 2 Th <- 6 # fixed horizon ################################################################## # Simulation ################################################################## sim.trial <- function(nmax=25,p0=p1) { ## simulate one realization of the trial dta <- NULL # initial data d <- 1 # initial dose tm <- 0 # running calendar time in months ## initial escalation k <- 3 repeat{ uk <-,d,k=k) # next batch dta <- rbind(dta, cbind(d,tm,uk,0,1.0)) tm <- tm+6 if (any(uk < Th) | (d==6) ) # any toxicity? break; # start CRM d <- d+1 # escalate to next dose } ## TITE CRM k <- 1 repeat{ bbar <- post.mean(dta,tm) Fall <- Ftox(1:6, bbar) d <- which.min(abs(Fall-Fstar)) n <- nrow(dta) # sample size ## cat(" n=",n," d=",d," b=",bbar,"tm=",tm,"\n") if (n >= nmax) break uk <-,d,k=k) # next batch dta <- rbind(dta, cbind(d,tm,uk,1,bbar)) tm <- tm+0.5 } ## now d is the recommended dose and tm the total time colnames(dta) <- c("d","tm","uk","CRM","beta") return(list(dta=dta,tm=tm,dstar=d,bhat=bbar)) } k <- 3 <- function(p0,d,k=3) { ## generate next batch of k patients ## assigned at dose d (index 1..6) ## using conditional uniform model ## batch size k if (!is.element(d,1:6)){ cat("\n *** error: d is not 1...6.\n"); return(-1) } Fd <- p0[d] y <- as.numeric(runif(k) < Fd) ## generate time to event uk <- ifelse(y==1,runif(k,0,Th),Th) # uniform model return(uk) } ################################################################## # Model ################################################################## Ftox <- function(d,beta) { ## returns (model) prob of toxicity F(d,beta) return(dose[d]^beta) } Ftoxb <- function(beta) { ## returns list of tox prob's over dose range return(dose^beta) } logPr <- function(b) { # p(b) = exp(-b) return( -b ) } logLik <- function(b, dta, tm) {## returns TITE log likelihood ## vectorized, for vector b of beta values di <- dta[,1] t0i <- dta[,2] uki <- dta[,3] if (any(t0i > tm)){ cat("\n *** error: patient with future recruitment time? \n") return(-1) } tos <- tm-t0i # time on study yni <- (ukit0i+uki) # toxicty observed by now wni <- tos/Th # weights wni <- ifelse(wni<1, wni, 1) logL <- rep(0,length(b)) # log likelihood vector for(i in 1:length(b)){ Fall <- Ftoxb(b[i]) # pr tox for all doses Gi <- wni*Fall[di] # (weighted) toxicities for dta logL[i] <- sum(log(Gi[yni]))+sum(log(1-Gi[!yni])) ## L = prod_{y=1} G(di,wni,b[i]) * prod_{y=0} (1-G(..)) } return(logL) } post.mean <- function(dta,tm) {# returns posterior mean based on TITE likelihood b <- seq(from=0.01, to= 7.0, length=50) llik <- logLik(b,dta,tm) lpr <- logPr(b) lpost <- llik+lpr lpost <- lpost-max(lpost) # scale post <- exp(lpost) bbar <- sum(post*b)/sum(post) return(bbar) } ################################################################## # example run ################################################################## example <- function() {# run this as example trial <- sim.trial(nmax=48, p0=p1) dta <- data.frame( trial$dta ) attach(dta) ps("TITE-CRM1") plot(tm, d, type="p",pch=18, xlab="MONTH", ylab="ALLOC",bty="l") points(trial$tm,trial$dstar,pch="*",col=2,cex=2) devoff() ps("TITE-CRM2") plot(tm[CRM==1], beta[CRM==1], type="l",pch=19, xlab="MONTH", ylab="BETA",bty="l",ylim=c(0,2), xlim=c(0,max(tm))) points(trial$tm,trial$bhat,pch="*",col=2,cex=2) devoff() detach(dta) }