source("/Users/pm/s/first.s") dir <- "/Users/pm/book/ctrial/pm/4/" setwd(dir) ################################################################## # implements # Thall, Simon & Estey (1995, Stat in Med) ################################################################## ## doses K <- 4 ## number of elementary events (sec 2.1. of Thall & al) thS <- c(2.037,6.111,30.555,2.037) ## pars for Dir prior for event prob's ## table 1, Thall & al thE <- thS/(sum(thS))*K ## same for experimental therapy CR <- 1:2 ## CR = A1 + A2 TOX <- c(2,4) ## A2 + A4 etaS <- 0.2 ## efficacy prob under standard of care etaST <- 0.2 ## tox prob un deltaCR <- 0.20 ## min improvement in eff deltaTOX <- 0.05 ## slip factor for design for tox monitoring pLC <- 0.02 ## lower threshold for improvement on efficacy resp pUC <- 1.0 ## upper ... (not used in the example) pUT <- 0.80 <- 75 ## scenario 1: make.p0 <- function(p12=0.20, p24=0.10) {# aux function to return 4 cell prob's assuming independence p2 <- p12*p24 # assume indep p1 <- p12-p2 p4 <- p24-p2 p3 <- 1-p1-p2-p4 return(c(p1,p2,p3,p4)) } scenario1 <- make.p0(.2, .1) ## scenario 2: scenario2 <- make.p0(.2,.2) scenario3 <- make.p0(.2,.3) scenario4 <- make.p0(.4,.1) p0 <- scenario4 sim.trial <- function(,p0=scenario1) { ## simulate trial under scenario p0 th1 <- thE # posterior parameters, initialize post=prior traj <- NULL y <- NULL ## patient responses and recruitment times (in months) month <- 0 ## calendar time -- need to deterine 3 month horizon n1 <- 0 ## number observed patients n <- 0 ## n recruited patients repeat{ p12 <- post.probs(th1) # post probs of events of interest cat("n=",n1,p12,"\n") traj <- rbind(traj,p12) if (p12[1] <= pLC){ cat("stopping trial for lack of efficacy.\n") break } else if (p12[2] >= pUT) { cat("stopping trial for excess toxicity.\n") break } else if (n1>{ cat("stopping trial for n max.\n") break } ## recruit one more cohort of 4 patients per month ## and update post parameters if (n <{ ## NOTE: continue trial until all patients have 3 months ## i.e., last 2 months don't accrue anymore yi <- sample(1:4,4,prob=p0,replace=T) y <- rbind(y,cbind(yi,month)) # update data n <- n+4 # update n recruited patients } month <- month +1 i0 <- which( y[,2]+3 <= month ) # response observed? n1 <- length(i0) # n recorded patients for (i in i0){ yi <- y[i,1] th1[yi] <- th1[yi]+1 # update posterior parameters } } return(list(traj=traj,y=y)) } post.probs <- function(th1) { ## compute posterior probs of events of interest by MC simulation ## th1 = par of Dir posterior for experimental therapy ## thS = par of Dir prior for standard theray (doesn't change) M <- 100 a1 <- sum( th1[CR] ) # experimental therapy b1 <- sum( th1[-CR] ) a1S <- sum( thS[CR] ) # standard therapy b1S <- sum( thS[-CR] ) a2 <- sum(th1[TOX]) b2 <- sum(th1[-TOX]) a2S <- sum(thS[TOX]) b2S <- sum(thS[-TOX]) eta1S <- rbeta(M,a1S,b1S) eta2S <- rbeta(M,a2S,b2S) p1 <- mean( 1 - pbeta(eta1S + deltaCR, a1, b1) ) p2 <- mean( 1 - pbeta(eta2S + deltaTOX, a2, b2) ) return(c(p1,p2)) } example <- function() { ## execute these lines for example st <- sim.trial(p0=scenario4) M <- nrow(st$traj) ps("431-traj") matplot(1:M,st$traj,type="l",xlab="MONTH", ylab="Pr(eta[S]+delta < eta[E] | Y)",bty="l") abline(h=c(.02,.8),col=1:2,lty=3) legend(M,0.6,xjust=1,legend=c("EFF","TOX"),lty=1:2,col=1:2,bty="n") devoff() ps("431-d") plot(1:M,st$traj[,1],type="p",pch=17,xlab="WEEK",ylab="DOSE", bty="l") devoff() }