source("/Users/pm/s/first.s") source("/Users/pm/s/rand.s") dir <- "/Users/pm/book/ctrial/pm/3/354/" setwd(dir) library("bayesm") library("adapt") library("stats4") ################################################################## # implements # Thall et al (2003) 2-agent dose escalation ################################################################## ## Model: ## p(d) = { a1*x1^b1+a2*x2^b2+a3[x1^b1 x2^b2]^b3 }/ (1 + ...) pistar <- 0.30 # target toxicity level debug <- T # indicator for additional debugging info ## grid for L1 ############################################ ## x1 values = L1x ## x2 values = L1x*rho L1x <- c(.12,.25,.4, .52, .61, .7, .78, .93, 1) rho <- 1 # slope of line segment for stage 1 ## grid for stage 2 ############################################ M <- 50 # grid length grid <- seq(from=min(c(L1x,rho*L1x)), to=max(c(L1x,rho*L1x)), length=M) ## hyperprior parameters phi <- rbind( ## moi.gamma(m,v) finds Ga(a,b) parameters ## matching mean=m=a/b, var=v=a/b^2 moi.gamma(0.4286,0.1054), # a1 moi.gamma(7.6494,5.7145), # b1 moi.gamma(0.4286,0.0791), # a2 moi.gamma(7.8019,3.9933), # b2 moi.lognorm(0.25,3), # a3 moi.lognorm(0.25,3)) # b3 # moi.gamma( 1,3), # a3 # moi.gamma( 1,3)) # b3 ## MC sample ############################################ N <- 100 TH <- matrix(nrow=6, ncol=N) # MC sample ## truth, using parameters in f(.) below scenario0 <- c(0.4286, 7.6494, 0.4286, 7.8019, 0,0.5) # no interaction scenario1 <- c(0, 7.6494, 0, 7.8019, 1, 0.05) # only interaction scenario2 <- c(0.4286, 7.6494, 0.4286, 7.8019, 1, 0.25) # weak interaction scenario3 <- c(0.4286, 7.6494, 0.4286, 7.8019, 1, 0.1) # some interaction scenario9 <- c(0.4286, 7.6494, 0.4286, 7.8019, 1, 0.05) # prior mean scenario4 <- c(1.5, 7, 2, 7, 1, 0.05) # high tox ## Model ############################################ pi <- function(x,th) { ## mean toxicity at dose pair x, for par vector th ## th can be a (6 x 1) vector or (6 x N) matrix of pars th <- as.matrix(th) xt1 <- x[1]^th[2,] xt2 <- x[2]^th[4,] N <- th[1,]*xt1 + th[3,]*xt2 + th[5,]*(xt1*xt2)^th[6,] D <- 1+N return(N/D) } lprior <- function(th) { ## log prior, th can be a (6 x 1) vecotr or (6 x N) matrix ## of par values ## evaluate p(th[1..4],eta[5,6]) for eta[j]=log(th[j]) ## i.e., a3,b3 are parmaetrized on log scale ## (but conveniently stored on absolute scale for likelihood eval) th <- as.matrix(th) lpj <- rep(0,ncol(th)) for(j in 1:4) # gammas lpj <- lpj + dgamma(th[j,],shape=phi[j,1],rate=phi[j,2],log=T) for(j in 5:6){ # log normals p(th) = N(log(th);m,s) etaj <- log(th[j,]) lpj <- lpj + dnorm(etaj, mean=phi[j,1],sd=phi[j,2],log=T) } return(lpj) } lprior.etaj <- function(etaj,j) { ## log marginal prior p(eta[j]) for for etaj=log(theta[j]) ## NOTE: prior p(th) is indep across j ## deta/dtheta = 1/theta => p(eta) = p(theta(eta))*theta if (j<5){ thj <- exp(etaj) lpj <- dgamma(thj,shape=phi[j,1],rate=phi[j,2],log=T) + etaj # last term is ".. + log(theta)" for Jacobian } else lpj <- dnorm(etaj,mean=phi[j,1],sd=phi[j,2],log=T) return(lpj) } llik <- function(th,y,x) { # log likelihood for par th, data (y,x) ## th can be a (6 x 1) vector or (6 x N) matrix th <- as.matrix(th) logl <- rep(0,ncol(th)) # initialize log likelihood n <- nrow(y) for (i in 1:n){ pix <- pi(x[i,],th) logli <- y[i,1]*log(pix) + y[i,2]*log(1-pix) logl <- logl + logli } return(logl) } ## dose range d0 <- 2 # starting dose on L1 N1 <- 20 # n patients in stage 1 N2 <- 40 # n patients in stage 2 K <- 3 # cohort size th0 <- scenario9 ## Trial simulation ############################################ sim.trial <- function(th0=scenario9,d0=2,K=3,N1=20,N2=40, L2.unif=T) { ## simulate one realization of the trial under scenario th0 ## th0 = simulation truth; ## d0 = starting dose in L1 ## K = cohort size ## N1, N2 = max sample size in 1st and 2nd stage ## L2.unif = use uniform random choice of dose from L2 if (debug) cat("TRUTH th=", th0,"\n") mcmc.init() n <- 0 # initialize data y <- NULL x <- NULL ## stage 1 ###################### if (debug) cat("\n Stage 1: \n") init.L1() d <- d0 refined <- F # indicator for split steps tried <- rep(F,nrow(L1)) # tried[j] = I(tried j-th dose) pibar <- rep(0,nrow(L1)) # initialization.. repeat{ xi <- L1[d,] tried[d] <- T p <- pi(xi, th0) yi <- rbinom(1,K,p) # simulate response if (!refined & (yi>0)){ # toxicity observed tried <- refine.L1(d,tried) # refine L1, and update tried.. refined <- T } ph <- pibar[d] y <- rbind(y,c(yi,K-yi,p,ph)) # update data matrix ## last two cols of y report true and estimated p(tox) x <- rbind(x,xi) n <- n+K mcmc(y,x) # update posterior MCMC sample pibar <- posterior.L1(d) y[nrow(y),4] <- pibar[d] # fill in estimated p(tox) d <- dose.assign.L1(pibar,tried)# dose assignment for next cohort ## returns 0 to indicate stopping if lowest dose is too toxic if ( (n>N1) | (d==0) ) break } K1 <- nrow(y) # record n cohorts in stage 1 ## stage 2 ###################### L2 <- M:1 ## initialize 0.30 quantile contour ## see comments in posterior.L2() if (d>0) { # did not stop for excess toxicity in stage 1 if (debug) cat("\n Stage 2: \n") left <- T # indicator for trying left / right repeat{ left <- !left # switch for next time L2 <- posterior.L2(L2) xi <- dose.assign.L2(L2,left,y=y,x=x,unif=L2.unif) ## dose assignment for next cohort if (n>N1+N2) break p <- pi(xi, th0) # sim truth yi <- rbinom(1,K,p) # simulate response ph <- mean(apply(TH,2,function(th){pi(xi,th)})) ## estimated toxicity (should be around pistar) y <- rbind(y,c(yi,K-yi,p,ph)) # update data matrix ## note that estimated p(tox)=.3 by definition.. x <- rbind(x,xi) n <- n+K mcmc(y,x) # update posterior MCMC sample }# repeat ## final reco xleft <- dose.assign.L2(L2,left=T,y=y,x=x,unif=L2.unif) xright <- dose.assign.L2(L2,left=F,y=y,x=x,unif=L2.unif) d0 <- which.min(abs(L2-(1:M))) # center xmiddle <- grid[c(d0,d0)] } else { # stopping for excess toxicity in stage 1 xleft <- L1[1,]; xright <- L1[1,]; xmiddle <- L1[1,] if (debug) cat("\n Stopping L1 for excess toxicity.\n") } ci95 <- c(0.025,0.975) ci.left <- quantile(pi(xleft,TH),ci95) ci.right <- quantile(pi(xright,TH),ci95) ci.middle <- quantile(pi(xmiddle,TH),ci95) return(list(y=y, x=x, xstar=rbind(xleft,xmiddle,xright), cistar=rbind(ci.left,ci.middle,ci.right), L2=L2,K1=K1)) } ## Manipulating grid for L1 ################################# init.L1 <- function() { ## sets up grid for stage 1 L1 <<- cbind(L1x, rho*L1x) mult <<- rep(1,6) # factor for step size in MCMC M-H proposal } refine.L1 <- function(d,tried) { ## add half points ## NOTE: variation to paper. Thall & al define ## half points only beyond dose d, and *all* ## dose combinations on L1 below d ## could easily be changed here (that is why we include d) nL <- nrow(L1) L1new <- L1[1,] <- tried[1] for (i in 1:(nL-1)){ xnew <- .5*(L1[i,]+L1[i+1,]) # new half point L1new <- rbind(L1new,xnew,L1[i+1,]) <- c(,tried[i+1],tried[i+1]) } L1 <<- L1new return( # return updated tried for use in algorithm } pix1 <- function(th,d) { # aux function for post.L1() below ## toxicity at L1[d,] pi(L1[d,],th) } posterior.L1 <- function(d) { ## posterior mean toxicities on L1 ## start with current d and go up/down until we cross pistar ## (avoids evaluation of pibar for doses far away from pistar) pibar <- rep(-1, nrow(L1)) if (debug) cat("try doses d= ") repeat{ if (debug) cat(d," ") pibar[d] <- mean(apply(TH,2,pix1,d)) if (pibar[d]>pistar) d <- d-1 else d <- d+1 if ( (d > nrow(L1)) | (d < 1) ) break if (pibar[d] != -1) # already done this one.. break } if (debug) cat("\n") return(pibar) } dose.assign.L1 <- function(pibar,tried) { ## find optimal dose for next cohort i <- which.min(abs(pistar-pibar)) if (i==1) return(i) if (tried[i-1]) return(i) istar <- max(which(tried))+1 return(istar) } ## Manipulating grid for L2 ############################################ pix2 <- function(th,i,j) { # aux function for post.L2() below ## toxicity at x=(grid_i,grid_j) pi(grid[c(i,j)], th) } ## ------------------------------------------------------------------ posterior.L2 <- function(L2) { ## grid for stage 2 ## for each x1=grid[i], find 0.30 quantile L2[i] of tox prob ## i.e., (x=grid, y=L2) defines the grid for stage 2 ## NOTE: in contrast to L1 the grid L2 reports only x2 indices nx <- length(grid) for(i in 1:nx){ # get 0.30 quantile of tox prob for x1=grid[i] pibar <- rep(-1,nx) if (i==1) j <- L2[i] # start at old value else j <- L2[i-1] # start at value of previous dose repeat{ pd <- mean(apply(TH,2, pix2, i,j)) pibar[j] <- pd j0 <- j if ((pd > pistar) & (j==1)) # .30 quantile is below x2=grid[1] break if ((pd < pistar) & (j==nx)) # .30 quantile is beyond x2=grid[nx] break if (pd > pistar) # go down, .30 quantile is lower j <- j-1 else # go up, quantile is higher j <- j+1 if (pibar[j]> -1){ # already tried this one ## i.e., we switched back up/down ## check if last value was closer? if (abs(pibar[j0]-pistar) < abs(pibar[j]-pistar)) j <- j0 break } # found it } L2[i] <- j } # for i return(L2) } dose.assign.L2 <- function(L2, left=F, y,x, unif=F) {## find optimal dose in L2 for next cohort nx <- length(grid) if (left) # assign on left half curve side <- (L2 >= rho*(1:nx)) # recall rho=slop of L1 line else side <- (L2 < rho*(1:nx)) if (unif){ # uniform assignment on L2[side,] i <- sample(which(side),1) xstar <- grid[c(i,L2[i])] } else { # decision theoretic assignment ## evaluate K(x) and I(x) on grid points in L2 Kxx <- rep(0,nx) Ixx <- rep(0,nx) for(i in which(side)){ j <- L2[i] Kxx[i] <- Kx(i,j) Ixx[i] <- Ix(i,j,y,x) } Kxx[!side] <- min(Kxx)-1 # make sure it is not chosen below.. Ixx[!side] <- min(Ixx)-1 # make sure it is not chosen below.. iK <- which.max(Kxx) iI <- which.max(Ixx) xK <- grid[c(iK,L2[iK])] xI <- grid[c(iI,L2[iI])] x0 <- .5*(xK+xI) istar <- which.min( (grid -x0[1])^2 + (grid[L2]-x0[2])^2 ) ## closest point on .30 quantile curve L2 xstar <- grid[c(istar,L2[istar])] } return(xstar) } Kx <- function(i,j,lambda=1) { ## cell killing criterion return(grid[i]+lambda*grid[j]) } I.xth <- function(th,i,j) { ## Fisher information log(det I(th,x)), before *expectation* ## w.r.t. p(th | data) ## evaluated for x=grid(i,j) x <- grid[c(i,j)] a <- th[c(1,3)] b <- th[c(2,4)] a3 <- th[5]; b3 <- th[6] xt <- c(x[1]^b[1], x[2]^b[2]) xt12 <- (xt[1]*xt[2])^b3 num <- a[1]*xt[1] + a[2]*xt[2] + a3*xt12 f <- rep(0,6) for(k in 1:2){ # partial deriv w.r.t a[k],b[k], k=1,2 offset <- 2*(k-1) f[offset+1] <- xt[k] f[offset+2] <- log(x[k])*(a[k]*xt[k]+ a3*b3*xt12) } f[5] <- xt12 f[6] <- a3*(log(xt[1])+log(xt[2]))*xt12 r1 <- 1/(num*(1+num)^2) # pull out the 1/[ N*(1+N)^2 ] r2 <- sum(f^2) # I(th,x) = r1*r2 return(r1*r2) } Ix <- function(i,j,y,x) {## expected information Iij <- mean(apply(TH,2, I.xth, i, j)) return(Iij) } ## MCMC ############################################ mcmc.init <- function() { # initialize posterior MCMC sample from prior ## Not currently strictly used, except for (optional) ## starting value for mle routine in mcmc ## But better to always have a well defined MC sample around N <- ncol(TH) # MC sample size (=n parallel chains) for(j in 1:4) # th[1..4] have gamma priors TH[j,] <<- rgamma(N,shape=phi[j,1],rate=phi[j,2]) for(j in 5:6){ # log a3, log b3 have normal priors ## but saved on absolute scale for easy liklihood eval later etaj <- rnorm(N,mean=phi[j,1],sd=phi[j,2]) TH[j,] <<- exp(etaj) } } mcmc <- function(y,x, { # udpates posterior MCMC sample ## initialize with MLE ## using old values as starting values m <- log( apply(TH,1,mean) ) names(m) <- c("a1","b1","a2","b2","a3","b3") mlpost <- function(a1=a1,b1=b1,a2=a2,b2=b2,a3=a3,b3=b3) { # log posterior for eta=log(th) th <- exp( c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3) ) return( -lprior(th) - llik(th,y,x) ) } ml <- mle(mlpost, start=as.list(m)) etahat <- ml@coef # mle for log(theta) V <- ml@vcov L <- t(chol(V)) # factorize V sd <- sqrt(diag(V)) # will use for step size below N <- ncol(TH) # MC sample size Z <- matrix(rnorm(6*N),nrow=6,ncol=N) # inititialize at mle ETA <- etahat + L %*% Z Th <- exp(ETA) step <- mult*sd # step size for M-H proposal below sum.acc <- rep(0,6) # keep track of acceptance rates sum.try <- rep(0,6) for(it in{ # MCMC iterations for(j in 1:6){ # transition probs changing th[1][6] etaj0 <- ETA[j,] etaj1 <- rnorm(N,mean=etaj0,sd=step[j]) # M-H proposal thj1 <- exp(etaj1) A <- -lprior.etaj(etaj0,j)-llik(Th,y,x) ## A = log(acceptance prob) for candidate etaj1 Th[j,] <- thj1 A <- A + lprior.etaj(etaj1,j)+llik(Th,y,x) accept <- (log(runif(N)) 0.9){ mult[j] <<- mult[j]*2 if (debug) cat("\n increasing mult[",j,"]\n") } else if (sum.acc[j]/sum.try[j] < 0.1){ mult[j] <<- mult[j]/2 if (debug) cat("\n decreasing mult[",j,"]\n") } } m <- apply(Th,1,mean) sd <- sqrt(apply(Th,1,mean)) if (debug) cat(" m=",m," sd=",sd,"\t p(acc)=",sum(sum.acc)/sum(sum.try),"\n") TH <<- exp(ETA) # upudate global copy of MC sample } ## Plotting of results ############################################ <- function(y,x,k=NULL,add.pts=T,xstar=NULL, L2=NULL) { ## plot posterior up to cohort k, i.e. line k in data matrix if (is.null(k)) k <- nrow(y) mcmc(y[1:k,],x[1:k,], z <- matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=M) for(i in 1:50) for(j in 1:50) z[i,j] <- mean(apply(TH,2, function(th){pix2(th,i,j)})) contour(x=grid,y=grid,z,xlab="X",ylab="Y",bty="l") if(add.pts){ # add observed data points pch <- ifelse(y==0,1, ifelse(y==1,10, ifelse(y==2,20,19))) points(x[,1],x[,2],pch=pch) lines(L1[c(1,nrow(L1)),1],L1[c(1,nrow(L1)),2],type="l") } if (!is.null(xstar)) # add final design points points(xstar, pch=8,cex=2,col=2) if (!is.null(L2)) lines(grid,grid[L2],type="l",lwd=3,col=4) } plt.S <- function(th0,xstar=NULL) {## plot simulation truth th0 z <- matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=M) for(i in 1:50) for(j in 1:50) z[i,j] <- pix2(th0,i,j) contour(x=grid,y=grid,z,xlab="X",ylab="Y",bty="l") if (!is.null(xstar)) # add final design points points(xstar, pch=8,cex=2,col=2) } plt.yp <- function(y,x,xstar=NULL,cistar=NULL) { nk <- nrow(y) p <- y[,3] pbar <- y[,4] ymx <- max(cistar,p) plot(1:nk,pbar,type="l",xlab="COHORT",ylab="P(TOX)",bty="l", ylim=c(0,ymx),xlim=c(1,nk+3)) points(1:nk,p,pch=19) if (!is.null(xstar)){ points((nk+1):(nk+3),rep(pistar,3),type="p",pch=8,col=2) for(i in 1:3) lines(c(nk+i,nk+i),cistar[i,],type="l") } } example <- function() { ## execute these lines for example st0 <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario0,L2.unif=F) st1 <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario1,L2.unif=F) st2 <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario2,L2.unif=F) st2u <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario2,L2.unif=T) st3 <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario3,L2.unif=F) st3u <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario3,L2.unif=T) st4 <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario4,L2.unif=F) st9 <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario9,L2.unif=F) st9u <<- sim.trial(th0=scenario9,L2.unif=T) ex.plots() } ex.plots <- function() { ps("st0")$y,st0$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st0$xstar,L2=st0$L2) devoff() ps("st1")$y,st1$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st1$xstar,L2=st1$L2) devoff() ps("st2")$y,st2$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st2$xstar,L2=st2$L2) devoff() ps("st2u")$y,st2u$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st2u$xstar,L2=st2u$L2) devoff() ps("st3")$y,st3$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st3$xstar,L2=st3$L2) devoff() ps("st3u")$y,st3u$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st3u$xstar,L2=st3u$L2) devoff() ps("st4")$y,st4$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st4$xstar,L2=st4$L2) devoff() ps("st9")$y,st9$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st9$xstar,L2=st9$L2) devoff() ps("st9u")$y,st9u$x,add.pts=T,xstar=st9u$xstar,L2=st9u$L2) devoff() ps("th0") plt.S(scenario0,st0$xstar) devoff() ps("th1") plt.S(scenario1,st1$xstar) devoff() ps("th2") plt.S(scenario2,st2$xstar) devoff() ps("th2u") plt.S(scenario2,st2u$xstar) devoff() ps("th3") plt.S(scenario3,st3$xstar) devoff() ps("th3u") plt.S(scenario3,st3u$xstar) devoff() ps("th4") plt.S(scenario4,st4$xstar) devoff() ps("th9") plt.S(scenario9,st9$xstar) devoff() ps("th9u") plt.S(scenario9,st9u$xstar) devoff() ps("p0") plt.yp(st0$y,st0$x,st0$xstar,st0$cistar) devoff() ps("p1") plt.yp(st1$y,st1$x,st1$xstar,st1$cistar) devoff() ps("p2") plt.yp(st2$y,st2$x,st2$xstar,st2$cistar) devoff() ps("p3") plt.yp(st3$y,st3$x,st3$xstar,st3$cistar) devoff() ps("p4") plt.yp(st4$y,st4$x,st4$xstar,st4$cistar) devoff() ps("p9") plt.yp(st9$y,st9$x,st9$xstar,st9$cistar) devoff() }